

Bun venit!

Aceasta este pagina web a Scolii Waldorf Simeria.
Persoana de contact pentru publicare web: inst. Lucian Ursales.

A high-quality education is one of the most important things that we can provide a child. Exposure to a variety of topics, people, and adventures all contribute to a fulfilling school experience.

This web site is a terrific way to access the information you need about our school, as well as serving as an educational resource. Whether you're currently enrolled or just curious about what we have to offer, you're sure to find a wealth of helpful information.

Graphic of books; Size=130 pixels wide

2000-2001 School Year

Classes begin August 28
Holiday break December 23 - January 4
Classes end June 10

Our School
Any Street
Anytown, US 01234

Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for announcements and special events.

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NOUTATI! Vineri, 14.XI.2008, ora 17.30 ---> SERBAREA LAMPASELOR (intrarea libera)

Scoala Waldorf Simeria